Let me just say that these titles haven't been finished because I don't enjoy them, because I think all are entertaining and beautifully written. I really haven't been deeply drawn into any of the three, and feel that I'll finish them... eventually. Furthemore, there are so many dishes to be baked and crafts to be constructed, that, in all honesty, I haven't had much time to sit down and read.
So in the hopes of preventing these types of pitfalls again, I will swear to participate in challenges that I must finish. Yes, must finish.
AND these CHALLENGES will produce results I can prove here. So you know I'm actually doing it.
Challenege One:
In the coming weeks I'll be introducing a weekly craft feature. Whether it's something I've created entirely with own two little hands or a Martha Stewart production, I'll be posting some great ideas to spread some creative energy cheer.
My growing interest in distressed furniture has recently hit an all-time high. And, I just happen to have several pieces of old furniture that I could experiment on, including, one lovely dresser. Realizing recently that this is something I could totally do myself; my first challenge is to transform my own hideous white monster into something more breezy and cool looking. (Like what you see above)
Challenge Two:
I found this challenege while reading Literary Musings, a book blog that I really enjoy. This, in-turn, led me to Sarah Reads Too Much, who's hosting the challenge, which is also great. So, I decided that if all the book blogger's I adored were doing it, then I should be doing it too!
The goals to complete:
1. A Banned Book
2. A Book with a Wartime Setting (can be any war)
3. A Pulitzer Prize (Fiction) Winner or Runner Up
4. A Children's/Young Adult Classic
5. 19th Century Classic
6. 20th Century Classic
7. A Book you think should be considered a 21st Century Classic
8. Re-Read a book from your High School/College Classes
Classics Challenge begins in January, the same time as my book club for the Feminist Women's Health Center (which I created informational packets for last night), along with my current informal book club with the Atlanta ladies. That being said, this decision is going to be a real challenge, and I'm looking foward to it.
What challenges have you set for yourself? Want some more inspiration? Here are a few sites that I love, featuring people participating in other challenges, or just doing things they love:
Style/Wardrobe/ Clothing- Multiple Factors (Mandy's styles is awesome AND she's crafty.)
Crafts/ Recycling- Creative Leftovers (I can't wait to try making my own rubber stamps using her instructions.)
Inspirational/ Photography- Reading My Tea Leaves (What can I say? I just love this one.)
BTW: I cheated. I started Erica Bauermeister's The School of Essential Ingredients
I'm a first time commenter! Yay! Anyway, I am participating in an Audiobook Challenge for 2011. It should be very exciting! I also recently read and reviewed The School of Essential Ingredients. It wasn't my favorite, but I hope you enjoy it; sounds like you're off to a good start.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting! What does the audiobook challenge consist of? We are reading it for our Christmas party/ December meeting and thought it would be a nice, light read for the holidays. I'll let you know!
I found your blog through a FF twitter post and am glad I did!
ReplyDeleteThanks for introducing me to this challenge. It sounds great. I think I will sign up too.
Rose City Reader>