

TBR: Six Months of Titles

I'm sure that I've mentioned that, in addition to this lovely little blog, and that lovely little Classics Challenge I signed up for, and that lovely little Read-Along I decided to host- whew! breather, I also lead/co-lead two reading groups in the Atlanta area.  The first, I created to meet people in the area who enjoyed reading and socializing; the second, I created when I became a volunteer with a local women's health center.  Both have offered me so much more than I ever could have imagined.  I've been lucky enough to be apart of two group of females that are uber-intelligent and great to be around!  Thanks, guys!

It's fun but it's not always easy. Shocker: choosing selections for book clubs can sometimes be the hardest part of the whole ordeal!

Will everyone like it?  Would this generate meaningful discussion?  Is this out in paperback? If not, is everyone willing to shell out the big bucks for hardback copies?  Will this particular title be too short/long for everyone?  

It's work.  But I love doing it!

In order to avoid this pesky task we decided to each select one book that we really wanted to read and toss it in a hat (it was actually a coffee cup that was for sale at the shop because we sort of forgot the hat).  It was quite exciting to see what books people had been waiting to suggest.  I thought I'd post a little blurb on the books that were selected and will appear on my TBR calendar for the next six months.

Here goes:







April we'll be taking a little break because two of our lovely ladies are tying the knot!  I can't wait to read and share!  What's in your TBR list?  Feeling overwhelmed?  It's ok--I think that's only natural! 


  1. Great titles! The only I have read from your list is Let The Great World Spin, which I enjoyed very much. But be prepared the fist half is slow going. But it's worth it in the end.

    I'm also interested to hear your thoughts on Veronica Decides to Die. I've only read one Cohelo (The Alchemist) and hated it. But I've heard his other works are different and I've been meaning to try one.

  2. Beth, I think those choices are pretty rad (especially Kundera & Foer), but I urge you please, read my review of your March choice before even starting it:

    It's not too late.

  3. Brenna- Hopefully the club will like Let the Great World Spin because it was defnitely my selection! I'm pretty excited to read each and to share.

    Ben- March's selection was out of my control and this exercise was meant to allow everyone to decide one title so that everyoen had their say. I've heard good things so far, but I'll be sure to check out your review unless it contains spoilers. Haha. I did see movie trailer pics featuring Sarah Michelle Gellar whom I absolutely despise as a no-talent-waste, so I DEFINITELY won't be watching the movie to accompany the novel.

  4. This looks like a great list to me -- Kundera is one of my favorites! I actually liked Veronika Decides to Die (Veronika decide morir). I read it in Spanish a few years ago. Hope you enjoy it!
