

Thrifty Book Finds

Where: Goodwill
Total Spent: $11.00

 I already own a copy of Candide (which I love), but had to get this copy because of the sweet cover art.  


  1. Nice finds! I've got East of Eden and Interpreter of Maladies on my nightstand waiting to be read. Balzac is a good one and I loved Then We Came To the End. Nice haul!

  2. What great picks! You will love Lahiri's book - it is her best one! The Balzac one is a good read and Their Eyes Were Watching God is excellent! Enjoy all you new books :)

  3. Great spree you went on there. Candide is a riot and if Hollywood would give a gritty reboot, it would burn rubber I'm sure. Dai Sije and Their Eyes Were Watching God are also pretty cool. Looking forward to your reviews.

  4. I loved Their Eyes Were Watching God! It looks like you bought the same edition that I have, which I think has one of the prettiest covers I've ever seen.

    The Candide cover is pretty sweet, too.

  5. Yes, I actually felt a little guilty buying all of them. I also took home two from the used store with trade credit that night. I'm really looking forward to all of them. The Candide cover was just too brilliant to pass up. Plus, I love Candide.

    I've only read Lahiri's The Namesake, which I loved, so I'm really looking forward it.

    Rayna- It is a pretty cover.

  6. Nice work! You've got three of my favorites in there - Interpreter of Maladies, East of Eden, and The House of Mirth. Enjoy! I need to go hit up a thrift store one of these days - you always make out like a bandit!

  7. It makes me a little sad when people toss great books like these...but I get over it quickly when I get to buy incredible books for .50 or $1 ;)

  8. Lauren, You must. I feel guilty sometimes. But then I remember how broke I am and forget the guilt.

    Patti- Haha! Yes, people do give up some pretty fantastic books. I could have easily purchased 5 or 6 more that day. I have to draw the line somewhere. Especially considering a woman in the aisle with me was showing me how to hide my book buying habit from my boyfriend by hiding them in the trunk of my car!
