

Here's To Another Year, J

I put my hand on him.  Touching him was always so important to me.  It was something I lived for.  I never could explain why.  Little, nothing touches.  My fingers against his shoulder.  The outsides of our thighs touching as we squeezed together on the bus.  I couldn't explain it, but I needed it.  Sometimes I imagined stitching all of our little touches together.  How many hundreds of thousands of fingers brushing against each other does it take to make love?
-Jonathan Safran Foer  


  1. Love the pictures! You two are so cute! I hope you had a great time celebrating yesterday.

  2. AWE SO CUTE! It looks like you guys had a great weekend.

  3. Thanks! We went out to a baseball game, but I don't have any good pictures because I didn't want to lug the camera around. It's amazing how two years just fly by. You guys are too sweet.

  4. I think that they are beautiful couple too. That was a bindingly fast two years, Beth. I am excited to see the posts and pictures in the years to come.

  5. AGAIN with the cute pictures of yourself - and now with added boyfriend-cuteness! Congratulations. x

  6. Congrats Beth! Mr. Priddy looks like a good man!

  7. Lyndsey, Thanks! You are always so freakin' sweet! He's defnitely a cutie! haha. Thanks you, again!

    I'll be sure to pass that along. P.S. He is a good man. :)
