

Book Break: Homemade Stress Reducers and Feel Good Treatments

Hi guys!  I've been occupied with all the books for my reading groups and loving it! I'm really anticipating finishing up and sharing with this appreciable community of fellow bibliophiles!  As many of you know, I'm a sucker for handmade, old-fashioned goodies.  I love DIY projects, and can't resist a money saving opportunity.  With that being said, I realized that with the changing of the season, and the stress that I've been managing in my life, my skin was looking pretty patchy, and, downright, nasty.  That's saying A LOT.  So, I considered taking a trip to purchase some kind of exfoliate that would brighten my skin and leave me feeling squeaky clean.  However, when I thought about spending the money, I knew I could concoct something in my own kitchen, eliminating the stress of going through all the steps to make said purchase.


I usually keep lemons around the house for cooking and cleaning.  
Citric Acid- Amazing!  Cleanses. Brightens. Tightens.


Baking soda.
I always have lots of baking soda on hand for baking and cleaning. 
 Cleanses. Exfoliates. Great for sensitive skin.


Take approximately 2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix with tablespoon and a half of fresh lemon juice.  The two should form a thin paste.  Gently rub on face or body (I usually rinse my face with water first) to exfoliate and cleanse the skin.  Wash off with warm water and pat dry with towel.  

Skin: Bright and fresh!  

For many, this lovely DIY treatment is a thing of the past, but for me it was a revelation in what I could do without having to spend lots of money on mass produced face scrubs. NOTE: Oats, honey and yogurt also work wonders and soften the face.  Add some mashed bananas, and you've got one yummy mask! 

Other goodies to spread some feel-good vibes: essential oils.

These are recent acquisitions to my home skin and body treatments.  

Tea tree oil is a great cleansing agent and saves my skin when Atlanta gets hot and muggy.  I mix a drop of this with 2 ounces of water and use it as a toner.  It can be a little drying, so make sure to be careful if you're trying it out for the first time.

Lavender oil.  What does this miracle oil not do?  Seriously.  I love lavender.  I like to add a drop or two of this to a small bowl of water, or a hot wash cloth, on the night's when I'm having a hard time getting to sleep. It can also be mixed with water in a spray bottle to create a lovely bedtime bed cloth spray.  Lavender oil is my absolute pick in the fragrance department.  Dab a little of this on your wrists and jawline to experience a huge sense of calm... not to mention the attention you're sure to gain from your partner!

Also, yoga.  I just started attending yoga classes in a quaint little studio with some friends.  I'm kicking myself for not getting involved sooner.  So far, I am really loving it.  It's such a great workout and an incredible mood-enhancer that I'm thinking all companies should offer the classes along with benefits!  If you've ever considered taking a class-- DO IT-- what's stopping you? 

Have any other great DIY treatments that you'd like to share?  What relaxes you?  


  1. Lemons are amazing. I use them in practically all of my cooking and in cleaning. I've not yet used them in a beauty way, so I'll be trying out your recipe :)

  2. This sounds like a fun afternoon project for my daughters and me! One of our favorite rainy day activities is olive oil hair conditioner -- you comb olive oil through your hair (don't bother getting the good stuff) and wrap your hair in a HOT towel for 20 minutes. Then shampoo!

  3. Glad I could share!
    Lemons are one of my favorite natural treats! You must try it-- you'll love it!

    I've never tried the olive oil treatment, so that is certainly a must. Olive oil is another miracle worker. So great for everything! I'll have to try it. If you and your daughter's try it be sure to let me know what you think!

  4. I'm definitely going to have to try making this to exfoliate. What a great money saver! Plus, the smell of lemon is so refreshing to clean. I've never bought any oils (never been sure how to use them), so thanks for the tips. Where did you get yours? Online?

    Oh, and just an FYI: I'm so sore from yoga yesterday, but I did sleep very well last night, so it was totally worth it!

  5. Jenna- Yes, I'm a lemon lover, as well! Essential oils can be purchased at Whole Foods, Sevananda, or even Kroger. You can find ways to use them on the internet, or the package that the oil comes in. And the yoga was awesome. J was really feeling it yesterday! I can't wait for Sunday.

  6. i'm big on earth friendly beauty and home products, and it's so fun making them yourself too. i use only vinegar, essential oils, and baking soda to clean my whole house.

    yay for yoga - i have to squeeze it in around the little one but always try to do so, it changes my whole day.
