

Lazy Friday: A Photo Post

Sometimes life doesn't permit blogging. Or reading, cleaning, sleeping, RELAXING.  However, these are the moments that you'll most likely remember forever.  Today, J left for an extended family visit, leaving me with a whole big, empty house and loads of time!  What's in the cards? Rosemary biscuits, peach pie, scrubbing, washing, running, socializing and watering new greenery.  Plus, I get to visit my niece; yes, my niece, for a little newborn photo op.  Above is a photo of a step on my grandmother's walkway: my brother's hand and carvings he made when he was just a child.  Can you believe he's now a father?!

What's in store for you?  A photo post of my book finds in Chattanooga (just thrilling). Some great recipes (if all goes to plan).  Plus, I think it's really time I sat down and finally wrote that review of The Bird Sisters, a novel I absolutely loved.  Really-- go out and find a copy this weekend.

What are your plans for the weekend?  Ever wonder if certain seasons are determined to wreak havoc on your to-be-read list?  This sprummer (get it? spring, summer... no?  Ok) has left me without a moment to sit in the comfort of a cozy chair while lost in a story.


  1. Have a lovely weekend, Beth! I've got a low key weekend planned myself - lots of reading, sleeping and drinking wine :)

  2. Thanks, Brenna! It sounds like we've got the right idea! Hope you enjoy yours as well!

  3. My big plan for the summer is to visit Hannibal, Missouri, Mark Twain's hometown. I can't wait to get back to the USA.
