

Five Days of Christmas: Book Club

Last night we celebrated our final night of Christmas. No tears! And I'll admit that J really got me good with something I've wanted since high school. Yes, high school.

Nerd alert:

It's fantastic and just the gift that we'll no doubt share with generations to come.  Three cheers for Harry Potter!

Thinking about the future inevitably makes me think about the past.  This year has definitely been a great one.  I got an exciting job.  I found a cozy apartment with my little family.  I traveled to 9 states and spent time in twice as many new cities. I became an aunt to the most precious little girl in all the world.  I continued to blog and meet people and develop new talents. I  even celebrated a year of hosting a local book group in September.  An entire year of getting together with a group of people to discuss books.  It doesn't get much better than that.  2011 was amazing.

On the fourth day of Christmas...

I'm grateful for the nights that I get to join my friends at small tables with glasses of wine and dog-eared pages.  
A group to share thoughts and ideas.  
Discussions and arguments. 
I like Christmas parties with baked goods and books in pretty paper available for swapping.  
I look forward to late nights of getting worked up about a theme or a setting.  
The lack of character development or the sadness of the plot.  
I am most grateful because I met a great group of women that I'm lucky enough to now call my friends.  
I'm elated that the book club turned into other events and running 5Ks and birthday parties and movie dates.  
I'm grateful that I managed to connect with others that rejoice in nerdery and love it! 

I can't stress enough how amazing joining a book group can be. I decided to start my own when I couldn't find one in Atlanta and I've never regretted it.  

Hope everyone's having a happy Thursday! 


  1. I really should join a book group, but I don't know of any good local ones ...

    And I love the Harry Potter box set!

  2. Sam,
    I finally just started my own when I couldn't find anyone my age interested in the same type of reading. I found a whole group of great people! And have made friends of friends since.
    The Harry Potter set is awesome!

  3. I just joined a book club, and I have to agree that it is an utter pleasure to get together and discuss a book with great people! It does sound like an awesome year for you. I hope 2012 holds even more wonderful things!

  4. Col,
    Thank you so much! Glad you found one you enjoy as well!

  5. Looking at these beauties makes me sad for the time ebooks will have taken over the world.
