

Reading Rant: A Slow Start to 2012

To date, I've finished one book.  One book.

However, I'm currently juggling four, despite the fact that I despise reading more than one novel at a time. Anyone? Anyone? I started John Banville's The Sea, and Nuala O'Faolain's Are You Somebody? to get a jump start on the Ireland Reading Challenge. But it's been slow going and I find that I'm desperately trying to make myself read both. Fear not! I've decided that I'm going to finish these at some point in the future, so I'm taking a small break before picking them up again.

I ventured to Barnes and Noble yesterday to buy myself a little Downton-like read since J and I just had a 5-hour marathon of Downton Abbey watching. The trip was successful and I'm working on carving out time during the busy week ahead.

Let's also just pretend that I'm not still behind on reviews of Rebecca Makkai's The Borrower, Jacqueline Winspear's Birds of a Feather and Heidi Durrow's The Girl Who Fell from the Sky. They'll come. I promise.

This is more than just a report of the fact that I'm TV watching instead of reading (I'm actually in shock of the truth of this statement), or that work has been a non-stop blur of meetings and late nights and weekend email threads, or that I've been a bit of a lazy blogger. No. I wanted to mention that this is the start of me blogging less frequently than before.  I'm embarking on a new creative journey that I'm really excited about. For months, I've been scheming a project that would focus on the local aspect of my life, and that, of course, requires that I dedicate much more time to bringing it to life. Don't worry... I'll be sharing for all of you that are interested.

I'll still be scouring book blogs for recommendations and to leave little comments. And I still plan on hosting a read along of sorts that I hope you'll join me for as well.

How's 2012 treating you thus far?


  1. I have one book read, but now I'm juggling two. I'll finish up Wicked today or tomorrow and be off and running to the next thing. It's frustrating, but this reading glitch will pass. Enjoy the TV and let your brain rest a minute. You'll be ready to read like a maniac again in no time. :)

    1. Andi,
      I'm really not so worried about the reading moving so slowly at this point. I just need to stay focused and work on things when I have the time. Thanks for the words of wisdom though! :)

  2. I want to hear more about your new project! I'm going to miss you in the book blogging world - even though I know you're not gone, I really enjoy your posts. So don't disappear completely!

    I'm glad you are still planning on hosting a read-a-long. I'm going to hold you to it :)

    1. I'll definitely share with you! It's a focus on Atlanta and visual landscape. I definitely won't disappear because I've grown so fond of BWMBW and all the people that come and visit. We'll have to chat via email about plans for the read along. Btw, is it read-a-long, or read-along? I haven't been able to find consistent examples. I thought it was read-a-long but didn't use that when we did it last year.

  3. I want to hear more about your new project too!

    I am watching more TV as well at the moment, I think it's the cold depressing January weather! :P

    1. Sam,
      Glad to finally see you on Goodreads! I will certainly be sharing once I get the site up and running properly. It has to be the weather! I don't feel so bad anymore.

  4. I got about five or six books read, but it's because I have taken commitments with the blog. Some of those are really short (short stories collections & novellas). Reading "professionally" (who am I kidding here?) has sped up my pace, but there's no shame in finishing only one book so far. We're only two weeks into 2012!

    1. Wow. I noticed on Goodreads that you were flying through the books! That's very true. I feel like I needed a stronger start to complete my end of year goal. In time, in time. I really shouldn't stress with everything that is going on in my life at the moment. Thanks for the sound wisdom!
