

A ReadALong: The History of Love by Nicole Krauss

In honor of the opportunity to give away one of my favorite novels for World Book Night, I'm hosting a readalong/reread of sorts!

The event will take place between April 9th through the 20th.  If you fail to finish in the allotted two weeks, please come back and share whenever you finish.  I wanted it to be very informal, so no halfway point check-ins and the like. I'll be posting my final thoughts on the 20th and hope that you guys come back to share!

I cannot express the joy I felt when I saw that The History of Love was an available title when I signed up to be a World Book Night giver (if you want to learn more about this amazing event, click here).  When I received the acceptance letter, and later, a confirmation letter stating I'd be able to hand out THOL, I was elated. 

What better way to celebrate the occasion, right?!?! I'm hosting a readalong and taking it to the streets!

Please comment and leave links to your blog if you want to join in on the fun!  Feel free to grab the image above to add a little snazzzz to your page!


  1. Aw, you gave me this book! I'm not sure how much I remember for the book, as I read it over a year ago and probably won't re-read it, but I will stop by to discuss. Happy World Book Night!

    1. I did! It's one of my favorites, but I think I remember you not liking it so much. It happens. Thanks!

  2. Replies
    1. Christine,
      Isn't it great?! Very excited about sharing it with others. The reread is just a must!
