

A Post: You're a Book Nerd. It's Okay.

Sometimes I realize that I'm a serious book nerd (I said it). We all know that most of us read A LOT more than most people (seriously, no judging, but people are shocked that I enjoy reading as much as I do). It's cool. I just shrug my shoulders and then brush them off. It's not so much the reading that makes me aware of just how deep these nerdish tendencies lie, but the fact that consumer goodies that are BOOK RELATED make me all giddy inside. It's like little literary references around your house, and those people, you know the ones that don't read, they have no idea that they're gazing at some amazing line from some amazing work. You do. And it's like a little secret just for you.

Because J and I have the Etsy shop, I'm on Etsy A LOT. Like too often. And when I'm not talking to people and negotiating shipping prices, I am definitely trying to find things that scream book nerd! Yesterday, on Twitter, I casually mentioned that I found a mug (featured below) I really wanted and posted it for all the people to see. Then my boyfriend came home and casually mentioned that he got me something and I casually guessed it. But it wasn't so casual because there was a lot of guessing involved and then jumping around and then hugs and stuff.

So why not share the fruits of my labor with you guys?! Maybe you'll get something and make some Etsy seller really happy.

Austen inspired. And a must have. Drink your coffee (or tea) in style with this gem.

Shop: Brookish

Bookends are modern and fancy. I need them.

Shop: Lena and Dmitry

Note cards to guilt those non-readers (just kidding).

Shop: LolasRoom

Prints to make your walls all pretty.

Shop: illuminantpale

So, that's about it from me. Hope you guys have a great weekend!


  1. One is truly a book nerd once he/she starts laughing at book memes. On these words...

  2. Ben,
    I love judgmental book seller ostrich! Hilarious. I've seen others, like texts from Jane Eyre, that are equally funny.

  3. I like the "book" bookends. We need a fireplace for that, though. So... how do we fit one of those in the apartment?

    1. We could put them on our shelves that we got and painted. Oh no, that wouldn't work because they already have bookends built in. Ok. I will come up with something and we will BUY them. Thanks for my mug! You're awesome.

  4. I need that Bonjour Tristesse print!! Awesome stuff here, Beth :)

    1. Brenna,
      Yeah, these prints are awesome. I need more artwork around the house.

  5. I love being a book nerd - it is simply the best! So I'm glad to know that I am in good company ;) I love that mug! And those prints! Talk about some literary fabulousness! I've got to check out these Etsy stores!

    1. Nadia,
      I agree. I always have. These Etsy stores are awesome and I'm wishing we had come up with something so clever.

  6. I think most of us are unashamed book nerds! :P
    The children in my class think I'm strange how much I go on and on about reading but I am slowly converting them into nerddom...

    1. Sam,
      I would agree! I mean we willingly started blogs for books. If that doesn't say NERD I don't know what does. It's like a badge of honor. :)

      Awesome that you're converting the wee ones!

  7. I've come across Brookish before and I love all of their mugs. And everything else. Thanks for the reminder that I wanted to order something...

    1. Anne,
      The shop is amazing. I think if I buy the shirt too I'm going to far. I'll make due with the mug for now!

  8. I want ALL of these things. Especially the tree bookends.

    And book nerds are the best kind of nerd! :)

    1. Aren't the tree bookends AMAZING? I kind of have a weird obsession with trees and branches so it just fits. Not to find somewhere to put them.

      And agreed!

  9. Love these picks!! I'm a book nerd and proud to be! Luckily, being a creative writing major means that I'm surrounded by other book nerds too!

    1. Sara,
      Yes! We're all together in this.. another reason I LOVE book blogging. There's no shaming and the like.

  10. Didn't know you had an Etsy shop, but you are on my favorite shops list now! My wife and I look for that kind of stuff whenever we are out and about as she is amassing a small collection. And of course I was excited to see your "about" page on Etsy. Which one of you shares the November 21st birthday with me?

    Looks like we have some similar favs of other shops. I've got Brookish already lined out for some stuff for my wife for Christmas.

    All great treasures there!

    1. Carl,
      Yes, we opened the shop just a few months ago and it's been a great experience so far! Sometimes it's really hard not keeping the stuff I find.
      And that's my birthday! Awesome to meet another person celebrating on the same day.. I can't say I've come across that often. J's is actually a few days after, which is also weird because I haven't met a lot of people with November birthdays, if you can believe it.
      I saw Brookish on the main page and scored the mug above. I've been contemplating a shirt too. Your wife is a lucky lady if your combing Etsy for Christmas gifts! Etsy's just awesome all around.

  11. I have no problem being referred to as a book nerd. It's a badge of honor.

  12. I went to a small school during my junior high years and there was a guy in my class that was my exact same age and we shared the same birthday. We were actually born just a few hours apart, only he was in the town where we lived and my parents (who were from that town) were overseas in Germany as my dad was in the Army. Weird how coincidences work. Great to meet another with such an awesome special day! :)

    1. Yeah, that is crazy! I graduated with a girl that shared it as well, but we didn't talk much. She's always wished me well on the day since so it's nice to meet another!

  13. I think one of the best parts of being a book nerd is making a reference you don't think anyone will understand and having the joy of discovering a fellow nerd. :)
    I love those prints - I'm off to check out the shop. :)

    1. Lindsey,
      Yes! I initially thought I might have made a reference without realizing it. Haha. But I definitely agree. The prints are awesome.

  14. You've made my book nerdness go into overdrive! Thank you!!!
