

A Post: Happy New Year, Bookworms!

I'm welcoming the new year with open arms and a happy heart. While 2012 was pretty great, I'm looking forward to some exciting changes that 2013 is sure to bring. I didn't complete as many books as I wanted, but realize that I really lost steam towards the end with all the stuff I crammed in. And I can live with that. I'll just have to try harder. I'm starting 2013 off right and should be finishing up Sarah Water's Fingersmith in the next couple of days and already know it's going to be one of my favorites.

I won't say that 2012 was exceptional in the reading department. I was proud of myself for finishing as many classics as I did, three down, 47 to go, which is a ton considering I wasn't really reading them at all the year before. So. That's something.

The holidays were a real riot. I had a relaxing Christmas celebration with my immediate family, and attended a 20s-themed NYE party with my closest friends. It was AWESOME. Dressing up is the best. Here are some snapshots (excuse all the instagram shots):

I made this sweatshirt for my Nana in '93 with two of my brothers (little James wasn't around yet) and it's awesome. Let's talk about how puffy paint and bedazzlers should be brought back from the depths. And that iron-on? We were way too cool for our own good.

I got my inspiration from season three of Downton Abbey (I'm looking at you, Lady Edith) and had so much fun! We sipped on champagne and had a big group hug when the clock struck 12.

I did some baking. Lots, actually. If you love chocolate and caramel, make these cookies now. They will change your life (sort of). Salted caramel stuffed chocolate crinkle cookies. The best. 

So to the announcements:

There are some! And I can't even contain my excitement. Many opportunities presented themselves shortly before the new year and I just knew that it meant good things were ahead. First, I'll be reviewing books (both fiction and nonfiction) over at beginning at the end of the month. The site is amazing. It's really for the women of today, featuring interviews with some incredible lady-entrepreneurs, musicians and the like. Offering advice on everyday living, fashion and today's buzz, it's a great source of relevant content that's fun and intelligent. I am so grateful for this opportunity. I'll be linking over to my reviews so you can take a peek!

I'm also joining the TLC tours and will be updating the blog with my first review of Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes on January 24th. Very excited to join everyone else who is already participating and share some great books.

There are other things that I must keep to myself for the time being, but believe me, are so wonderfully wonderful. 

So, what's up with you? What are you anticipating for the new year? What did you complete in 2012 that you'll never forget?

Happy New Year, everyone! 


  1. I read Fingersmith over the christmas holidays and absolutely loved it

    1. So glad I finally got around to it! Nice to see that you enjoyed it as well. It's definitely one I'll be pushing.

  2. Wow, lots of news in one post! Congrats on the reviewing books job, that's great news. I'm intrigued about the news you must keep to yourself as I also have some news that I'd love to tell but can't. And I love the idea of a 1920s party, I used to have a flapper-girl bob haircut and I loved dressing in 1920s inspired clothes. My hair was red too, I was probably cooler then than now!

    Into the Darkest Corner is a very good book, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

    1. Sam,
      Yes, maybe it was a bit overwhelming! Haha. And thank you! I'm really looking forward to the challenge. The news is special but will be reveled in the coming months. I'm pretty happy about it! And now you have me wondering what yours is as well! I'm sure you are equally stoked.

      I'm looking forward to Into the Darkest Corner because I've heard great things. I'll be sharing soon!

  3. Happy New Year, Beth! What a great way for you to start off 2013! Congrats on all the great news - I can't wait to read your reviews for the magazine.

    I too didn't read as many books as I had hoped, but I think for a lot of us, length of book should be taken into consideration - those 500+ pagers just take longer to read, but are totally worth it. In the first part of the year, I found myself purposely choosing shorter books just so I could get through more books. This year, I am going to make an effort not to look at book length ;)

    1. Brie,
      Thanks and Happy New Year to you! I'll be linking up over here for my readers to follow along. I think you guys will really like it!
      Yeah, I only read like 37 books. That's the lowest in a bit. I agree that I've read several door stoppers and really does slow me down. I agree though - it's more about the quality and less about quantity. Hope the year brings you many blessings!

  4. Wow! Sounds like you had a fantastic holiday season :) Loved your pics - that dress was totally DA (still can't get over the Christmas special from season three!!). Like you, I didn't really read as much either, but oh well, life was just too busy. I'm hoping to read more this year, but I'll just see how it goes. I've only read one Waters book and that THE LITTLE STRANGER which I loved! So, I'm looking forward to your thoughts on FINGERSMITH (which I have on my shelf waiting to be read). Those cookies look delish!! Oh, and Congrats on your new book reviewing gigs ( I love doing the tours on TLC - they have such great books! I read INTO THE DARKEST CORNER for TLC and loved it!! Such a good read!). From what you've posted it sounds like 2013 will be a banner year for you - hurrah!

    1. Nadia,
      Yes, it truly was! Isn't it so DA? I still can't find the Christmas special! I need to search harder - I know it's so bad. But I need to see it!
      You really have to make blogging fun if it isn't something you're doing for a career and sometimes life is just too much to be able to do it all. I haven't had any time to read the past month and I've been fine with it. I won't stress myself out and know my readers understand that. I read The Little Stranger this past year and enjoyed it but not quite to this extent! It's so so so so good. Like one million times better than The Little Stranger but I'll be looking out for your review. And thank you, thank you! I thought I saw it reviewed on your site. Look forward to discussing.
      Happy New Year, Nadia!!

  5. Now I'm super excited for those changes you have to keep for yourself (personal, maybe?) but wish you the best with everything, shared over here or not.

    I had never heard of Sadie Magazine but will check it out right now. Congrats on the new job, I'm sure you'll "create" a lot of readers.

    1. Elena,
      Very exciting! All of it. I hope that you'll enjoy the reviews I'm posting there. I'm going to be tackling some new literature that features women or women writers.
      Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  6. Congrats on your writing gig! I can't wait to read your articles.

    It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas/New Year's celebration. There's nothing like starting off a new year with a smile on your face and cookies in your belly. :)

    1. Thank you! I'm pretty excited. I think you can tell though :)

      And you are so right.. smiles and cookies. Pretty much awesome. Hope you have a wonderful year!

  7. Bedazzlers! Yes, please! :)

    Congrats on the Sadie writing gig and on becoming a TLC tour host. You go rock it girl!

    Happy happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. Yes! I'm totally going to try and do something with puffy paint and get my hands on a bedazzler. I had forgotten about it until now!

      Thank you so much!!! I am so excited.

      And hoping the new year brings you so much joy as well!

  8. That's awesome that you'll be reviewing over at SadieMagazine! Very nice. And I LOVE both that sweatshirt & your '20s gear. Awesomeness all around.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Alley! I'm pretty stoked about getting involved.

      Isn't the sweatshirt awesome? I have to make a new one! Aha.

      Happy New Year to you :)

  9. Glad you're enjoying Sarah Waters - she's one of my favourites. I've promised myself that this year I will read more non-fiction - particularly biographies of writers and history books - I'm also going to attempt some of the really long books - mainly classics, so quite an ambitious year. Your outfit is lovely by the way - why is modern clothing so inelegant? Good luck, Judy.

    1. This is my second novel by Waters and I'm quickly becoming a fan. She's pretty incredible. I'm focusing on classics and then just whatever I want instead of what's trending. I tend to jump at new releases and end up disappointed.
      The outfit I got at Target, oddly enough, and was pretty cheap. But I do agree. The Edwardian era was my favorite period in terms of clothing. Very fancy!

  10. Happy New Year, Beth and congrats again on the book reviewing gig at Sadie Magazine! You're going to do great. Also, your outfit for the 20's themed NYE party is fantastic!

    1. Thank you and thank you! I hope 2013 brings lots of happiness.

  11. Happy New Year to you too! Love the 20's outfit. That was such a rich period from a design perspective. I would love to live in a world where things looked that way but where we still had all our modern conveniences. I'm a wimp. I want my air-conditioning and modern medicine.

    I hope your 2013 is more wonderful that you dream it can be.

    1. I completely agree! Love the clothing but like my rights and all the technology! And thanks! I'm wishing the same for you!

  12. First, love the dress. Way to channel Lady Edith. :) Congrats on your good news!! I'll be checking out the magazine for sure!

    1. Lorren,
      I know Edith is the underdog but I've really grown to like her. Thank you and thank you. I'll be sharing the link when it's available. Have a great 2013!

  13. Lots of updates here! I love the dress, and the idea of a 1920s themed NYE. I was in a 1920s themed wedding this year so now own the world's most decadent flapper dress... I may just have to steal that idea for next year. That and salted caramal stuffed chocolate crinkle cookies, because what could POSSIBLY be not to love about those?
