

A Beginning

I started this blog over 3 years ago with the intention of meeting new people, keeping my brain stimulated, and getting back in touch with the literary world. Thanks to an easy-to-use platform, a social media landscape like Twitter, and, of course, all the lovely bloggers that continued to reach out, I've achieved all of these things to a greater degree than I had ever imagined. It's been wonderful.

The past year brought in so many changes, and while these haven't prevented me from blogging about books, they've certainly captured my wandering mind leaving less time for reading and reviewing. A couple of weeks ago I threw the feeling out, on Twitter, that I was somewhat tired of maintaining a blog that revolved around books and wanted to incorporate all sorts of new topics for discussion. Everyone seemed to more than supportive and thought it was a great idea. Since I've already been adding a little here and there from the beginning, I thought I'd go ahead and take the plunge.

You'll notice that I've redesigned the site (and have lost the lovely literary header). I'm still in the process of brainstorming names and reviewing logos, but soon this will be a whole new space. Travel tips and photos. Recipes and reviews. Beauty and fashion. And the occasional feminist, scholarly discussion. All of this and more will be living and breathing here.

Of course, I'm still going to talk books. Reading is an important part of my life, and readers are always worth knowing, so let's connect.

I'm not going to call this new space a lifestyle blog, even though that's probably what anyone else would say, but think of it as a place to share ideas and then hear what you have to say!

Hopefully you'll stick with me through this change and watch me grow in a whole new direction. If not, I'll be so sad to see you go and do appreciate all the support through the Bookworm Meets Bookworm years.

So... here's to a new year, a new me!


  1. Site looks great! I know exactly how you feel. Mine started out as a book blog, too, and I met many amazing people because of it, but it started to feel claustrophobic.

    1. I think that's exactly how I would describe it. I feel this will be WAY more fun! And thanks for the compliment.

  2. I mentioned in our conversation on Twitter that I was interested in doing something similar... I love writing about books, but with other outlets for submitting strict book reviews, I'm starting to feel cornered. I'll be interested to see how you handle changing your name/logo, and I'll likely be taking notes! Looking forward to what the new site here will bring.

    1. Thanks for the support! I feel like it does start to get taxing once you're confined (even if we did chose to do so) to one topic. I've been featuring other topics for a while so why not just go all the way?! I'll definitely be sharing my experiences because I know a lot of people are feeling the same way.

  3. I've recently decided to do the same thing on my blog. When it was all about books, I hardly posted. Now that I've opened up my blog, I feel freer to post way more often. Good luck! Can't wait to see the results.

  4. I'm looking forward to your new blog! :)

    1. I hope I can deliver! Ha. Let me know if there's anything you want to see.

  5. Of course we will stick with you! Through thick and thin, don't doubt that :)

  6. Love the new look and new direction you are taking with your blog :) Looking forward to reading your posts!

    1. Thank you! And I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages! I hope everything in life is going well! I need to be on Twitter more!

  7. I enjoy blogs that contain a variety of different subjects. Good luck with the change - I look forward to seeing how your blog develops :-)

    1. Thanks, Jackie! Your blog is definitely a favorite so it means a lot!

  8. I think the most interesting blogs often tackle lots of subjects. Best of luck with this new iteration of yours.

  9. I like it! And as other people have said, the most important part is writing about things that interest you.

  10. Gorgeous photos! Looking forward to seeing what's to come...

  11. I love the look so much. I think it's great that you're branching out. BEST WISHES! I'll still be reading, of course!

  12. I love this idea too--and the new look is gorgeous. Blogging should reflect you, and just as we're not static beings, our blogs shouldn't be either. Cheers to our constant transformations:-)

  13. You already know my thoughts on this, but just wanted to say (again), I look forward to wherever you take this blog, and I'll definitely be sticking around :) My most favourite blogs are the ones that mix a little of this and that - even if the masses would call those lifestyle blogs, then so be it!

  14. Thanks, guys! I would respond individually but you all are sharing the same sentiment and it means so much! I can't wait to dive in and get a whole new thing started. Plus, I'll still get to communicate with you all and that's really what's most important! Cheers!

  15. How exciting! I'm glad you're doing what's right for you, and I'm looking forward to reading your new, diversified posts!

  16. I love the new look - and I'm really excited about the new direction of your blog! I'm really glad you'll still be talking books sometimes because I trust your recommendations. I can't wait to see all the new content around here. Such a fun change!

  17. The blog looks great! I can't wait to read all of your new posts. :)

  18. I look forward to seeing the changes! I often think a book review site only is a little limiting and the content can be hard to generate since you need time to read and also structure a thoughtful review. Other content lends itself better to curation which is so popular right now.


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