

Thesaurus Thursday & A Nod to BBAW

Happy Thursday, bookworms!  I'd  like to say that this week has been the craziest in quite sometime.  One of my closest friends will be getting married this weekend and the planning never seems to stop.  However, with all that planning comes the reward of an incredibly amazing weekend; It's necessary to send out a big CONGRATULATIONS to Stacy and Paul!

I'm saddened that I haven't been able to participate in the greatly anticipated Book Blogger Appreciation Week that's going on right now.  This event allows so many bloggers to connect and share information, enjoy discussion, earn blogging awards and host fabulous giveaways.  I wasn't able to register, as my blog is very new, but I'm already looking forward to next year.  Instead of churning out a post on BBAW's daily theme, I'd like to take the time to feature some of the book blogs I enjoy most.  And maybe you'll fall in love with them, too!

Boston Book Bums What happens when you get a group of book-loving friends? Boston Book Bums. I really love their honesty when it comes to the group's reviews. Because I feel I have similar likes, I trust their judgment and head to the book shop without a second thought. I especially love their Bookish Intelligent Report, which provides interesting and concise facts about the book world, from around the world! Furthermore, the diversity of the material coverage will make them a must-read for all types of readers.

Alison's Book Marks Again, I've found a blog with reviews I can trust. Not to mention, Alison's Book Marks is a great place to meet fellow book enthusiasts who really enjoy a good discussion. Her entertaining and informative content seems to yield quality participation that other book bloggers hate to lack. Furthermore, Alison's page aesthetic is simplistic, and makes it pleasant to review, as well as find other topics of interest.

The Broke and the Bookish If the name doesn't sum up my current situation, I don't know what would. The Broke and the Bookish have seriously unique and creative content. The site's Top Ten meme is an incredibly fun and informative weekly post. Furthermore, the site encourages followers to share their own list each week, which means that you're getting a lot of valuable content on ONE site! Plus, the responses are often times witty, and I love to laugh! I'm always looking forward to the next list, and I think you will too!

Crazy for Books Jennifer's layout is the first thing I noticed when I started reading her blog, and I note this because the bright layout is indicative of the blogging personality she possesses. Her enthusiasm goes unmatched in my book, and I can always count on a stellar review daily. Jennifer's success is evident in her followers; and I believe that succes has something to do with the fact that her honesty and dedication shine through her work. Crazy for Books is currently featuring various posts, from various authors, on the topic of women's literature, and women in literature.

amused, bemused and confused I love to travel but haven't been able to get out much with the new job and the new responsibilities of blogging and book clubs. However, this site allows me to not only travel without leaving my house, but also gives me all sorts of great literary facts and insight. Teadevotee's travel endeavors to magical literary landmarks really inspire me. Reviews are always honest and entertaining, as well.

There are so many entertaining and intelligent book bloggers out there, these just happen to be some of my favorites!  I'd love to hear some of yours! 

And now... Thesaurus Thursday!

Today's word is: subsume.
Subsume- Verb, 1825. 1. To include or place within something larger or more comprehensive : encompass as a subordinate or component element.

What I would say: Novels may simply be subsumed as fiction; although, there are numerous genres within the realm of fictional literature.

Here's to a wonderful weekend... and Happy Blogging!


  1. Some fantastic blogs you have listed there! And.. you are another Atlanta blogger - this is awesome!

  2. Wow, I am honored to be featured as one of your favorite blogs! Thank you so much!!! :) You listed some other blogs there that I haven't heard of, so I am off to check them out now! I love the blogging world!!! Keep up the great work! You have a beautiful blog!

  3. Found you on Twitter! Love the blog setup. I am from GA too! :o)

  4. Lydia and Rebecca, So happy to see some fellow Atlanta bloggers. It seems that Atlanta gets the short end of the stick when it comes to book tours and so forth. Thanks for reading and I hope to have some great discussion with you in teh near future. Also, (Rebecca) I'll be posting a belated follow up to the Decatur Book Festival... maybe I'll blame it on the heartache of missing the Brooklyn Book Festival & knowing I'll be missing the National book festival, too!

    Jennifer, I absolutely love your site and you dedication! Definitely love to offer shout-outs, as they are more than overdue! Happy Blogging and can't wait to participate in the next Blog Hop! :)

  5. Hey Beth, thank you so much! I really appreciate your very kind comments. Its funny, because I don't think I really travel enough! I am glad you appreciate my literary landmarks, though - am pleased that other people are book-geeky enough to find them interesting. I do hope some day you come to London and we can hang out in person.
    Lyndsey @ teadevotee

  6. Lyndsey, You're very welcome. I love reading your posts and looking at all the amazing photos you post that accompany them. Perhaps when I'm in the office all day, I feel like you're traveling all the time! Oh, and I'm definitely geeky enough to love anything that is historical or literary! Not a day goes by that I don't wish to get back to London ASAP. But it's great to know I'll have someone to join in on all those geeky endeavors! Enjoy Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

  7. Any other great book blog suggestions? Anyone?!? :)

  8. WOW! Thank you so much for mentioning Alison's Book Marks as one of your favorite blogs! I'm blushing! Of course, you're all catching me during an incredibly busy week personally, which is keeping me from reviewing/blogging as much as usual. Beth, it seems you understand this quite well right now. Have fun at the wedding (I love weddings!) and I'll be back soon to chat books.

    Happy Reading, everyone!


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