

Not-So-Lazy Sunday Edition

Another weekend gone... too quickly, I say!  Alas, it may be coming to an end, but the weekend was full of excitement (J's last rock show, my little brother's rehearsal dinner, etc.), and well worth all the running around.  Therefore, this is my apology for not getting as many reviews as I'd like out in a more timely manner.  So many books, so little time!

Today J and I took the opportunity to get some fresh air, lap up the sunshine and clear our heads in preparation for the daily grind.  We visited a well-known park in the area, and discovered the most refreshing bird sanctuary.  Weed invested fields never looked so good.  The exemplary weather only added to the bliss of the occasion.

I thought I'd post some photos of the not-so-lazy Sunday afternoon we were able to enjoy.  Hopefully they provide a little inspiration for those of you that haven't had the time to take a nice, long soothing stroll.  Perhaps this may encourage you to step back from the chaos of everyday life and behold the immense beauty of the world that surrounds you.

Here's to a wonderful week ahead... with some great reviews to accompany that beautiful Fall sky!

Any ways you deal with stress/ deadlines/ overwhelming glaring stacks of really big books that need to be read?  


  1. These are gorgeous, Beth! What sort of camera are you using?

  2. Thanks! Actually, I was just using my new iPhone and the Camerabag application. These walks, and your photos, are inspiration to take up shooting nature in the near future!

  3. First of all, I SWORE I was following your blog!? How is it possible that I wasn't lol.

    Second, these pictures are awesome! What is the filter thing you used to get the pictures like that? I've always wanted to do that but can never figure it out!

  4. Jamie, Better late than never! Haha. I actually used an application on my iPhone. I recently got the 4G and the camera is suprisingly nice for a phone. I liked the ways these looked, but I'd like to learn to get these shots with a real(?) camera.


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